Vanilla.js portfolio home page. It has a header with the site name, hero with greeting and an about seciton with a profile image and bio.

Vanilla.js Portfolio

Developer portfolio website built with Vanilla Javascript, HTML and CSS. Content is pulled from CMS via API.


This is an early portfolio project originally built with HTML and Materialize CSS. It contains my bio, a list of skills, featured projects, and contact information.

Version 1.0:


Originally developed as a static HTML website. I refactored it to pull content from CMS and render HTML dynamically with vanilla JavaScript. This updates the content automatically and keeps it up to date.

The styles on the current version were refactored to vanilla CSS3. The style was inspired by the Valentino Garavani PinkPP Collection

Version 2.0:




MaterializeCSS portfolio home page. It has a hot pink header with white text, a profile image, about section with bio and projects section.
Vanilla.js portfolio home page. It has a header with the site name, hero with greeting and an about seciton with a profile image and bio.


  • Portfolio Project
  • Frontend

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